“The seventh principle is Imani (Faith) which is essentially a profound and enduring belief in and commitment to all that is of value to us as a family, community, people and culture. … It is to indicate that without unity, we cannot begin our most important work, but without faith we cannot sustain it.”
Live Transcription from Event.
“Malcolm X once said, If a cat gave birth to kittens in an oven, you won’t call it biscuits. People have to always be identified by three things: Land, history and culture. You identify yourself by land, history and culture. When you go to a Chinese restaurant, these people are Chinese. You know, there’s a certain food and a certain culture to their cooking. …Many Chinese in America have never been to China. So it’s important that we understand who we are in terms of an origin. You identify yourself by land, history and culture. Now as every holiday has symbols, every holiday or culture event, they are symbols. And Kwanzaa is no exception. Seven Days, Seven symbols. There are seven basic symbols and two supplemental symbols. The whole idea is that in every household, you would have what’s called an altar….”
#Kwanzaa #savannah #kwanzaainsavannah #imani #imanifaith
Photography by Loman Creative Services Savannah
Event hosted by The Beach Institute African-American Cultural Center, one of two historic properties managed by the King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation Inc a 501(C)(3) organization.